Work       FCP Art       About 

Work       FCP Art       About 

Customer Journey Mapping and ideation workshop | ING Labs, 2019

Design Thinking Workshop | General Assembly, 2018

PitchingWorkshop |  API PolyFintech Hackathon, 2018

A series of eight Design Thinking Workshops for an Innovation Challenge | Leading Insurance Bank in Singapore, 2018

Research-based Design Thinking Workshop | Singapore Tourism Board, 2017

Design Thinking Workshop | National University of Singapore (NUS), Division of Industrial Design collaborated with Keio-NUS CUTE Center for an overseas workshop to Tainan, Taiwan with the National Cheng Kung University, 2016 

Nudge workshop for educators | Organised by National University of Singapore, Design Incubation Centre, 2014
Workshop designer: Angela Tay
Workshop Facilitation
2014 — Present

I have a stong passion for workshop facilitation and it is an area I put a considerable amount of focus on, to grow and develop. Over the past 7 years, I have facilitated and led numerous workshops with clients ranging from government agencies and schools, to big insurance companies and banks. My portfolio includes workshops for Design Thinking, Visioning, Pitching, co-creation, Customer journey mapping and service blueprinting. I design and facilitate both physical workshops as well as digital workshops using collaboration wools such as Miro and Whimsical. I enjoy working with people who share the same passion for creating meaningful impact, who are thought leaders and agents of change.

Here is a selection of the workshops I have been a part of over the years.

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